Jorge, I can definitely relate to your situation. There are certain jobs I had in the past where I was only there for a season. There was no upward mobility and my sole reason to work for them was for a pay check. Don’t get me wrong… a pay check was nice. It helped me take care of my family and pay the bills, but it wasn’t purpose.
I think if you work just for a pay check, you will be dissatisfied with your job no matter what organization you work for. Try not to fall into that trap.
One thing is certain. Every organization has dysfunction — some much worse than others — but regardless of this we all have a choice each day. We can choose to make things better (find a greater purpose to our work) or we can swirl in dissatisfaction.
The best way to start is to focus on small victories with the people closest to you. Your peers, your immediate supervisor, even your customers. If you can make the day just a little bit better for any of them — through humor (perhaps telling a joke), covering a shift that someone needed to take off, or maybe setting a small goal that inspires yourself and those around you — then you’ve won.
Don’t try to conquer the mountain, instead focus on the anthill. If you can do that, then you will generate momentum to help you go further. Everything begins with a first step. No matter how big or small that step is, it matters. It sets you in the right direction and puts you back in control of your circumstances.
Best of Luck! Keep me posted on your progress.